We all have that moment, weve chatted to someone online and then when youre all dressed and ready to go, you’re just about to park or jump out of your Uber, you realise you really have no idea who you’re about to meet. Perhaps you’ve even forgotten or been a little shy to tell someone where you’re going.
Now with Date Safe, you can record all the information about your upcoming date, and allocate a “Safe Mate” from your contacts that you will discreetly be able to stay in touch with you throughout your date. It’s a fun way to be safe, and be confident knowing that someone knows where you’re at. And in the event that you may need that call that the "laundry is flooded", that "grandma is suddenly unwell", or, worst case scenario, you need some help getting out of there because it’s just a bit creepier than your comfortable with, Date Safe has got your back.
Download it now, and have some fun on your way to finding true love. Date Safe out there friends!